[Cosa sto ascoltando] Now on Air


"Level 8"
1 Anno di Phica.net
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E i Noir Desir? Non emo, ma comunque un punk che merita (a tratti)
Sul punto d'incrocio tra punk, new wave, dark, elettronica (il postpunk) niente e nessuno batterà gli iconici Joy Division e il grande Ian Curtis. E niente male neanche gli Ultravox di John Foxx (meno quelli di Midge Ure, anche se Vienna è un capolavoro).
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A proposito di pietre miliari:
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"Level 8"
1 Anno di Phica.net
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Un po' di carica!

Vabbe', allora rilancio con un'altra bella roscia:

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In **** a Sanremo e ad Amadeus:

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Per rifarmi le orecchie dal pattume di Sanremo:

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Il genio insondabile di Syd Barrett...la storia tra squallida e tenera di Arnold, un travestito, un "invisibile" della società, che si diverte a rubare mutandine e reggiseni dal giardino di un vicino collegio femminile per indossarli, viene sorpreso, arrestato e rilasciato dopo aver subito la reprimenda da moraletta borghese (Arnold Layne don't do it again). Un tema così dirompente nel 1965 al loro debutto...coraggiosi e visionari! :love::love::love:

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"Level 6"
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Your Latest Trick​

All the late night bargains have been struck
Between the satin beaus and their belles
Prehistoric garbage trucks
Have the city to themselves
Echoes roars dinosaurs
They're all doing the monster mash
And most of the taxis, most of the whores
Are only taking calls for cash
I don't know how it happened
It all took place so quick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick
Well now my door was standing open
Security were laid back and lax
But it was only my heart that got broken
You must have had a pass key made out of wax
You played robbery with insolence
And I played the blues in twelve bars down Lover's Lane
And you never did have the intelligence to use
The twelve keys hanging off from my chain
I don't know how it happened
It all took place so quick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick
Now it's past last call for alcohol
Past recall has been here and gone
The landlord he finally paid us all
The satin jazzmen have put away their horns
And we're standing outside of this wonderland
Looking so bereaved and so bereft
Like a bowery bum when he finally understands
The bottle's empty and there's nothing left
I don't know how it happened
It was faster than the eye could flick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick



"Level 4"
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Your Latest Trick​

All the late night bargains have been struck
Between the satin beaus and their belles
Prehistoric garbage trucks
Have the city to themselves
Echoes roars dinosaurs
They're all doing the monster mash
And most of the taxis, most of the whores
Are only taking calls for cash
I don't know how it happened
It all took place so quick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick
Well now my door was standing open
Security were laid back and lax
But it was only my heart that got broken
You must have had a pass key made out of wax
You played robbery with insolence
And I played the blues in twelve bars down Lover's Lane
And you never did have the intelligence to use
The twelve keys hanging off from my chain
I don't know how it happened
It all took place so quick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick
Now it's past last call for alcohol
Past recall has been here and gone
The landlord he finally paid us all
The satin jazzmen have put away their horns
And we're standing outside of this wonderland
Looking so bereaved and so bereft
Like a bowery bum when he finally understands
The bottle's empty and there's nothing left
I don't know how it happened
It was faster than the eye could flick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick

Mio gruppo pop/rock preferito in assoluto, non sbagliavano una canzone nemmeno facendolo apposta


"Level 7"
Da 10 Anni su Phica.net
Élite Fase 1
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A 25 anni di distanza, sempre bellissima e bravissima...e con tutto il rispetto per chiunque, sia chiaro, naturalissima e senza tatuaggi vari. Amerò sempre Anggun! :giggle:🔝


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