Alexandra Daddario


"Level 1"
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Lost Girls and Love Hotels Review
At long last, here is a quick nudity review of Lost Girls and Love Hotels starring Alexandra Daddario.
Early on in the film, Alexandra is in a bra during an aborted sex scene where she is choked with a belt.
A little later, Alexandra is wearing bra and panties as her hands are bound with a zip tie.
About half an hour in, we can see part of Alexandra’s right breast but no nipple during an overhead shot as she’s having sex missionary style. Then brief left breast and butt from Alexandra as she gets out of bed.
A couple of minutes later, there’s a very brief peek or two at Alexandra’s breasts during a sex scene. There’s another brief peek at her breasts as she’s lying naked in bed afterwards.
Just over an hour in, there’s a montage of Alexandra having sex with several different guys at different times. The first scene of the montage shows Alexandra from the side and lying down as an older Japanese man is on top of her. The man’s arm is in the way but we get several looks at her right breast as her breasts are bouncing. The Japanese man then slides off of Alexandra and we finally get a clear view of her breasts although it is brief. The rest of the montage doesn’t have nudity but shows her getting tied up with rope, bouncing up and down, getting choked, etc.
Near the end of the film, we see Alexandra from behind as she starts stripping in front of a seated Japanese man. Alexandra shows right side boob and butt as the man looks on. Alexandra then reaches back and lies on the bed and we can see more of her butt and a bit of her right nipple. Alexandra is then shown lying face down on the bed and we see more of her butt. We then get several more different views of her butt as the man ties her down to the bed before she is rescued.
Stay tuned for news about when Lost Girls and Love Hotels will finally be available to watch.

Antonio greppio

Utente Inattivo da oltre 365 giorni
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Film che ha avuto una vita travagliata. Andrà distribuito in Russia e Ungheria...non certo un capolavoro, né tanto meno un soddisfacente prodotto erotico.


"Level 4"
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Ragazzi il body shaming purtroppo porta anche a questo, loro almeno possono vantare schiere di nutrizionisti, le ragazze "normali" no...è un problema!

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